The realm of fashion and functionality has sunglasses standing as a strong pillar serving both equally. Sunglasses for men, women and kids work tirelessly to protect the eyes from the sun’s glare. However, they are also a style statement. These pairs are an emblem of personality, depicting your personality to the world. So, it can be said that sunglasses are not merely about their functionality or just about their aesthetic value. Instead, they are a mixture of both. They protect your eyes in the sunlight while enhancing your style. 

The dual role of sunglasses gets highly appreciated, making it one of the most loved accessories. However, you will be able to witness both the sides of sunglasses only when you pick the right pair for your face. Now, this does not mean that you must pick your favorite color and it would become the perfect pair of shades for you. There are several other factors to consider before buying a pair of sunglasses. One of the most important aspects among these factors is your face shape. 

The wide array of sunglasses styles present in the market can confuse you. However, you must not overwhelm yourself with the number of options. Every face shape has some styles that suit it the best. So, what if you have an oval face? What are the best sunglasses for oval face? You have numerous options if you have an oval face. Curious to know what these options are? Continue reading this post. 

This comprehensive guide by the IDEE Eyewear team is a detailed look into the best options for oval faces in the world of sunglasses. However, it will first provide a detailed insight into the procedure to find out whether you have an oval face shape or not. 

Do You Have an Oval Face?

The oval is a common face shape. Although it is quite easy to identify this face shape, you must never randomly guess. Therefore, the best way to find your face shape is through a thorough yet simple procedure. 

Stand in front of a mirror, or you can also pull up a selfie on your phone. While clicking a picture of standing in front of the mirror, be sure to tie back your hair if it is long. Now, look for not all but some of the following traits- 

  • Your face is longer than its wide
  • Your face has a rounded jawline and chin
  • Your face narrows at the forehead and chin a bit

Some oval faces also have their cheekbones wider than their jawline and forehead. However, the difference is not very noticeable. However, if the difference is quite noticeable, you might have a diamond face and not an oval face. Diamond faces are quite similar to oval ones, so do not confuse yourself. Diamond faces have wider cheekbones than oval faces. Also, their features are quite pointed and angular. 

We would again remind you to always remember that it is not necessary that your face meet all the traits listed here. Even if two traits are resonating with your face, you can confirm that you have an oval face. 

Best Sunglasses for Oval Face

The different types of sunglasses might attract you to buy a pair that is in trend. However, remember that you are unique and so must your pair of sunglasses be. Following the crowd blindly is never good. It is no exception in the sunglasses world. You must find a pair of shades that suit your face the best instead of the ones that look good on others. 

Below are some of the top choices of sunglasses for oval face to help you make the right purchase. 

Rectangle Sunglasses

One of the most popular choices among oval-face individuals is rectangular sunglasses. These sunglasses are the ultimate pair to counterbalance the curvy features of an oval face. This is because oval faces are longer than they are wide, while rectangle sunglasses have wider frames. Also, the soft curves of an oval face get balanced by the angular lines of rectangle frames. As a result, wearing these shades will accentuate the length of your face and its curvy features. 

Top Rectangle Sunglasses by IDEE

Square Sunglasses

Another popular sunglasses for oval face are square sunglasses. Again the reason these shades suit this face shape is the same. Square sunglasses have angular lines that perfectly balance the soft curves of an oval face. Also, these shades have contrasting proportions to your face shape. They are equally proportioned, counterbalancing your face’s proportions. 

Top Square Sunglasses by IDEE

Flier Sunglasses

Next on the list of best sunglasses for oval face are the flier sunglasses. They greatly pair with an oval face and are a popular choice among men. These shades have a straight line across the brow that offer a contrast to the curves of your face. Also, their teardrop shape creates a focus on your cheekbone while playing up the length of your face. 

Top Flier Sunglasses by IDEE

Cat-Eye Sunglasses

If you are looking for women's sunglasses for oval faces, cat-eye is your go-to option. These sunglasses are the most loved and trendiest option among women. Typically, these shades have an upswept browline. This design of these frames draws your eye upward to the cheekbone. Also, they might also have a teardrop shape that enhances the beauty of your cheekbones and complement the length of your face. 

Top Cat-Eye Sunglasses by IDEE

Round Sunglasses

Curves do not look good on a curvy face, which is a myth. It is true for some face shapes but not for an oval face. Yes, you can definitely buy your favourite pair of round sunglasses even if you have an oval face. The curvy edges of these shades and your sunglasses are quite different from one another. Oval faces are oblong, while round sunglasses are circular. Therefore, they both work well together.

Top Round Sunglasses by IDEE

Geometric Sunglasses

Angular lines look best on faces with curves. As a result, you can undoubtedly pick the geometric sunglasses. These include triangular, pentagonal and hexagonal sunglasses. The edges of these shades create a perfect balance with the curves of your face. Also, not many individuals know about the beauty of these sunglasses. Therefore, if you prefer to be unique, these shades are your perfect match. 

Top Geometric Sunglasses by IDEE

Final Words

The world of sunglasses is quite diverse. When you start shopping for a pair for yourself, you will come across numerous options. However, you must look for the ones that best suit your face shape. We have listed some of the best sunglasses for oval face in this blog. But remember that we do not stop you from experimenting. Every face is unique, and so is your personality. So, it might be possible that even other sunglasses styles complement your oval face. You can find the most great options in our collection to amp up your style game while protecting your eyes from the harsh sunlight.

Also Read 
Best Eye Glasses for Round Face |  Best Sunglasses for Round Face | Sunglasses for Square Face

May 21, 2024 — Media Team